Show all Painting Sculpture Video Photography Drawing PhotographyArc en ciel PaintingLaranjeiras Mini arc en ciel DrawingReflexo SculptureSuspensa no muro PaintingCanavial VideoBranches that blow DrawingParmi les bosquet dombre PaintingMetamorfose VideoQuad-water skylight SculptureBlind wall DrawingFlower Ornament SculptureFracção P SculptureArc en ciel PaintingMartinhal PaintingArvoredo redondo PaintingRecorte #1 PaintingCana do Reino #1 PaintingJarra, flores, janela e feixe de luz PaintingArvoredo PaintingBucólico PaintingArvoredo tela PhotographyNow the night is closing in PaintingA grande Janela SculptureVedação # PaintingSun around the house # SculptureSuspensa no fio Lago branco SculptureGrotto VideoGenérico para uma tela de cinema PhotographyAutumn house PhotographyBreached projection PhotographyPaisagem de inverno Vista sobre o jardim botânico serigrafia PaintingBrise soleil # Drawingfragments of love song SculptureTragaluz SculptureEspelho # PaintingAutumn Paintings PhotographyBacklight dahlia PaintingAraucária 2 VideoSkylight DrawingPetite paysage PaintingSebe SculptureView point #3 PaintingMata VideoRaining curtain VideoBucólico PaintingArvoredo horizontal SculptureVista sobre o arvoredo PaintingArvoredo ao entardecer PaintingBrise soleil 1 DrawingLes amant PaintingBrise-soleil #, front window shutter PaintingArabesco # VideoInterstício VideoO navio VideoRunning corner DrawingBlind Gate VideoNight shadow PaintingLisboa PaintingTrepadeira # PaintingA árvore por detrás do muro VideoNow the night is closing in SculptureTragaluz #3 PaintingSkyline SculptureView point #2 PaintingLago branco DrawingShadow stream SculptureBiombo Mata serigrafia PaintingAraucária VideoEstore projectado DrawingFolds PaintingBrise-soleil # (tears curtain) SculptureView point VideoSpring cage PhotographyPor entre os bosques de sombra